Over 4500 Searchable Skin Cancer Case Studies from Expert Practitioners
Gain access to the world’s largest library of skin cancer medicine case studies
Invaluable resource
The Skin Cancer Blog is a great resource for testing my skin cancer knowledge. I can interact with other experienced primary care practitioners on how they would diagnose and treat certain lesions. I can also challenge myself from the searchable library of case studies. It is one of my most valued sources of ongoing professional development.
Dr T. Brown

Great Challenge
I use the Skin Cancer Blog to find similar skin cancer cases to those I see in my day-to-day GP practice. And I can learn from the Blog in my own time. I learn something every time I access it and enjoy reading the different perspectives from other GPs who have a passion for skin cancer.
Dr S. Hassan
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according to all member surveys
A selection of our popular case studies
A selection of our popular case studies
What's your “go to” here?
This 72 yr old presented with advanced ulcerated SCC on the superior helical rim of the R) ear. It is not mobile over the underlying cartilage. The defect spans 20mm when appropriate margins are drawn. What is your “go to” surgical plan? What other surgical plans would you contemplate at this position? What surgical plan would you disregard?
"This mole has changed Doc. Should I be worried?"
This 40 year old male presented with a mole that has changed shape. Dermatoscope revealed there were chaotic lines with black and grey dots. What could it be?
A large and unusual lesion
This 94 year old man presented with a long lasting lesion, which was treated by various inefficient ointments. Is it large Seb K, a large psoriatic plaque or IEC/SCC?
How it works
Each day, one of our Blog Authors will post a patient case study.
All members have full access to the Skin Cancer Blog. Login, challenge yourself and get involved in the online discussion with your peers.
After much discussion through the day, the Blog Author will reveal their treatment and diagnosis of their case.
Each post is full of discussion with an average of 30 comments from members. And there are 4500 cases to review!
The Skin Cancer Blog Benefits
- Engage with your peers
- Learn from Blog Authors from around the world
- Access over 4500 searchable case studies
- Ongoing professional development tool
- Self-learning at your own pace
- Challenge yourself with unique cases
Would you like access to the Skin Cancer Blog? Become a member now!
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College membership is open to registered doctors, nurses, specialists, researchers and students.
Membership offers a collective voice for the frontline practitioners managing skin cancer.